Need last minute gifts?
It's the final week of the SooVAC annual Aritsts' Holiday Shop!
2909 Bryant Ave S, Minneapolis, 55408
Hours: Wed 11-5, Thurs/Fri 11-7, Sat/Sun 11-4 (Nov 30-Dec 23, 2018)
Skip the mall and the landfill bound junk from Amazon AND support living artists and a top-notch art gallery institution, why don'tcha?
Dozens of artists with handmade art and items priced to move.
Picture here: Art by Mary Gibney, Amy Rice, Christopher E. Harrison, Tara Costello, Ashely Peifer, Kevin Beaudin and me...
I dropped off all kinds of stuff:
Hand-painted, wall mounted, thrift store found rhino head.
Baca Juga
Hand-painted, wall mounted, thrift store found buffalo head.
Hand-painted, wall mounted, thrift store found rabbit head.
Hand-painted, wall mounted, thrift store 1970s owl.
Hand-painted, wall mounted, thrift store bird on a branch.
Reversible bird/dog screenprints.
Hand-painted, wall mounted, thrift store found crazy fruit basket thingy.
Handmade, poured paint earrings.
Hand-painted foam earrings.
Stop in and say, "Hello."