LifeAfter Resep Masakan Guide

LifeAfter Resep Masakan Guide

Dirilis pada akhir bulan February, LifeAfter saat ini termasuk salah satu game mobile terpopuler di kalangan saat ini. 

LifeAfter permainan mobile dimana menggambarkan kelangsungan hidup manusia dalam dunia apokaliptik yang terserang sebuah virus. Game berbasis survival ini membawa anda ke dalam dunia game untuk bertahan dalam keadaan dunia tersebut.

Dalam kehidupan umumnya, Makanan mermupakan faktor utama dalam bertahan hidup. Dalam permainan LifeAfter karakter anda juga membutuhkan makanan dalam kelangsungan hidupnya.
Makanan dalam LifeAfter bukan hanya untuk bertahan hidup ataupun menunda lapar, namun beberapa dari makanan akan memberikan efek tambahan seperti increase damage atau mungkin critical chance.

Anda bisa membuka resep masakan dengan cara memasak daging atau tanaman yang anda kumpulkan, atau mungkin anda bisa membeli langsung dari NPC.

Disini kami StickAir akan memberikan info untuk Resep masakan.

Allay Hunger & Restore Fullness

• Steamed Shrimp

Bahan → ?x?
Effect → Allay Hunger
Stats Effect → ?x?

• Steamed Crab

Bahan → ?x?
Effect → Allay Hunger
Stats Effect → ?x?

Steamed Vegetables

Bahan → Vegetable
Effect → Allay Hunger
Stats Effect → ( Fullness + 30, Health + 2.5 )


Bahan → Flour
Effect → Allay Hunger
Stats Effect → ( Fullness + 60 )


Bahan → Fruit
Effect → Allay Hunger
Stats Effect → ( Fullness + 30 )

• Fried Pumpkin Strip

Bahan → 2x Pumpkin - Flour - Milk
Effect → Allay Hunger
Stats Effect → ?x?

Candied Food

Bahan → Fruit - Honey
Effect → Allay Hunger
Stats Effect → ( HP + 60, Fullness + 27.5 )

Bread with Jam

Bahan → Fruit - Flour
Effect → Allay Hunger
Stats Effect → ( Fullness + 37.5 )

Restore Health

Strawberry Muffin

Bahan → 3x Strawberry - Flour
Effect → Restore HP
Stats Effect → ?x?

Mushroom Soup

Bahan → Mushroom - Milk
Effect → Restore Health
Stats Effect → ?x?

• Meat Plate

Bahan → Vegetable - 2x Meat - Mushroom
Effect → ?x?
Stats Effect → ( Hp + 20, Fullness + 35, Health + 2.5 )


Bahan → 2x Fruit - 2x Ice Cube
Effect → Restore HP
Stats Effect → ?x?

Honey Grilled Meat

Bahan → Meat - Honey
Effect → HP Regeneration over time
Stats Effect → ( HP + 70, Fullness + 30 )


Bahan → 4x Honey
Effect → HP Regeneration
Stats Effect → ( HP + 240, Fullness + 20 )

Grilled Mushrooms

Bahan → Mushroom
Effect → Restore Health
Stats Effect → ( Fullness + 30, Health + 5 )

Fruit Milk

Bahan → Milk - Fruit
Effect → Restore Health
Stats Effect → ?x?

• Fried Butter Tricholoma

Bahan → 4x Tricholoma
Effect → Restore Health
Stats Effect → ?x?

• Carrot Patty

Bahan → 2x Meat - 2x Carrot
Effect → Restore Health
Stats Effect → ?x?

Barbecued Meats

Baca Juga

Bahan → 4x Meat
Effect → HP Regeneration
Stats Effect → ( HP + 40, Fullness + 40 )


• Grilled Yellow Croaker

Bahan → 1x Yellow Croaker - Vegetable / Meat
Effect → ?x?
Stats Effect → Increase Health dan Fullness

• Grilled Turbot

Bahan → 1x Turbot - Vegetable / Meat
Effect → Increase Mining Speed durasi 10 menit
Stats Effect → ?x?

• Grilled Tilapia

Bahan → 1x Tilapia - Vegetable / Meat
Effect → Increase Maximun Breath durasi 10 menit
Stats Effect → ?x?

• Grilled Squid

Bahan → 1x Squid - Vegetable / Meat
Effect → ?x?
Stats Effect → Increase Health dan Fullness

• Grilled Silver Carp

Bahan → 1x Silver Card - Vegetable / Meat
Effect → Increase Maximum Breath durasi 10 menit
Stats Effect → ?x?

• Grilled Salmon

Bahan → 1x Salmon - Vegetable / Meat
Effect → Increase Hemp Gathering Speed dan Crit Chance durasi 10 menit
Stats Effect → ?x?

• Grilled Ribbonfish

Bahan → 1x Ribbonfish - Vegetable / Meat
Effect → Increase Logging Speed durasi 10 menit
Stats Effect → ?x?

• Grilled Pufferfish

Bahan → 1x Pufferfish - Vegetable / Meat
Effect → ?x?
Stats Effect → ( Hp + 350, Fullness + 40, Health + 10 )

• Grilled Parrot Fish

Bahan → 1x Parrot Fish - Vegetable / Meat
Effect → Increase Logging Speed dan Crit Chance durasi 10 menit
Stats Effect → ?x?

• Grilled Napoleon Fish

Bahan → 1x Napoleon Fish - Vegetable / Meat
Effect → Increase Logging dan Mining Speed durasi 10 menit
Stats Effect → ?x?

• Grilled Grouper

Bahan → 1x Grouper - Vegetable / Meat
Effect → Increase Gathering Speed durasi 10 menit
Stats Effect → ?x?

• Grilled Grass Carp

Bahan → 1x Grass Carp - Vegetable / Meat
Effect → Increase Logging Speed durasi 10 menit
Stats Effect → ( HP + 35, Fullness + 40 )

• Grilled Catfish

Bahan → 1x Catfish - Vegetable / Meat
Effect → Increase Digging Speed durasi 10 menit
Stats Effect → ( HP + 5, Fullness + 40 )

• Grilled Carp

Bahan → 1x Carp - Vegetable / Meat
Effect → Increase Gathering Speed durasi 10 menit
Stats Effect → ( HP + 10, Fullness + 32.5 )

Body Temperature

• Stewed Fish Soup

Bahan → ?x?
Effect → Restore Body Temperature dan Cure Cold
Stats Effect → ?x?

• Milk Pudding

Bahan → Milk - Ice Cube - Honey
Effect → Lower Body Temperature
Stats Effect → ?x?

• Milk

Bahan → Milk
Effect → Restore Body Temperature dan Health
Stats Effect → ?x?

• Hot Water

Bahan → Ice Cube
Effect → Restore Body Temperature dan Cure Cold
Stats Effect → Body Temperature + 15

• Fuit Smoothie

Bahan → 2x Fruit - Ice Cube - Honey
Effect → Largely Lower Body Temperature
Stats Effect → Hp + 60 , Fullness + 20, Body Temperature - 25

• Fruity Popsicle

Bahan → 3x Ice Cube - Fruit
Effect → Lower Body Temperature
Stats Effect → Fullness + 7.5, Body Temperature - 15

• Dumplings

Bahan → Meat - Mushroom - Flour
Effect → Increase Body Temperature
Stats Effect → ?x?

• Cream Soup

Bahan → Vegetable - Milk - Meat
Effect → Largely Increase Body Temperature
Stats Effect → ?x?

• Beet Porridge

Bahan → Vegetable - Honey
Effect → Increase Body Temperature dan Cure Cold
Stats Effect → HP + 60, Fullness + 27.5, Body Temperature + 20

• Bee Syrup

Bahan → 3x Ice Cube - Honey 
Effect → Increase Body Temperature dan Cure Cold
Stats Effect → HP + 60, Fullness + 5

Increase Speed

• Tofee

Bahan → Milk - Honey
Effect → Increase Movement Speed
Stats Effect → HP + 140, Fyllness + 20 , Health + 20

• Strawberry Jelly

Bahan → 2x Strawberry - Ice Cube - Milk
Effect → Increase Movement Speed dan Crit Chance
Stats Effect → ?x?

• Ice Stawberry Yogurt

Bahan → Stawberry - Milk - Honey - Ice Cube
Effect → Increase Movement Speed
Stats Effect → ?x?

• Fruit Fish Finger

Bahan → ?x?
Effect → Increase Digging Speed
Stats Effect → ?x?

• Fruit Cake

Bahan → Milk - Fruit - Honey - Flour
Effect → Increase Movement Speed
Stats Effect → ?x?

Increase Damage

• Special Pizza

Bahan → Vegetable - Mushroom - Meat - Flour
Effect → Increase Damage to Buildings
Stats Effect → ?x?

• Sandwich

Bahan → Meat - Flour - Fruit
Effect → Increase Damage to Infected Creatures
Stats Effect → HP + 10, Fullness + 40

• Nutrition Stew

Bahan → Flour - Milk - Meat
Effect → Largely Increase Damage to Wild Animals
Stats Effect → ?x?

• Mince Pie

Bahan → Meat - Flour
Effect → Increase Damage to Humanoid Monsters
Stats Effect → Hp + 30, Fullness + 45

• Milk Stew

Bahan → Meat - Milk
Effect → Increase Damage to Infected Creatures
Stats Effect → ?x?

• Meat Skewer

Bahan → Meat - Fruit
Effect → Increase Damage to Wild Animals
Stats Effect → Hp + 10, Fullness + 32.5

• Meatballs

Bahan → Vegetable - Meat
Effect → Increase Damage to Infected Creatures
Stats Effect → Hp + 10, Fullness + 35, Health + 2.5

• Fruit Pie

Bahan → Honey - Flour - Fruit
Effect → Increase Damage to Humanoid Monsters
Stats Effect → Hp + 60, Fullness + 35

Increase Crit Chance

• Vegetable Cake

Bahan → Vegetable - Flour
Effect → Increase Logging Crit Chance
Stats Effect → Fullness + 52.5

• Spaghetti

Bahan → Vegetable - Meat - Fruit - Flour
Effect → Increase Crit Chance
Stats Effect → Hp + 10 - Fullness + 42.5 - Health + 2.5

• Mushroom Skewers

Bahan → Mushroom - Meat
Effect → Increase Crit Chance
Stats Effect → Hp + 10 - Fullness + 32.5 - Health + 2.5

• Mushroom Udon Noodles

Bahan → Mushroom - Flour
Effect → Increase Crit Chance
Stats Effect → Hp + 10 - Fullness + 42.5 - Health + 2.5

• Milky Croissant

Bahan → Flour - Milk
Effect → Largely Increase Logging Crit Chance
Stats Effect → ?x?

• Honey Mushroom

Bahan → Mushroom - Honey
Effect → Largely Increase Hemp Gathering Crit Chance
Stats Effect → Hp + 60, Fullness + 27.5, Health + 2.5

• Honey Croissant

Bahan → Milk - Flour
Effect → Increase Logging Crit Chance
Stats Effect → Hp + 60, Fullness + 80

• Fruit dan Vegetable Salad

Bahan → Fruit - Vegetable
Effect → Increase Hemp Gathering Crit Chance
Stats Effect → Fullness + 80

Egg tart

Bahan → Milk - Honey - Flour
Effect → Largely Increase Digging Crit Chance
Stats Effect → ?x?

• Assorted Platter

Bahan → Vegetable - Mushroom - Meat - Fruit
Effect → Increase Logging dan DIgging Crit Chance
Stats Effect → ?x?


• Vegetable dan Fish Ball Soup

Bahan → ?x?
Effect → Increase Max Energy
Stats Effect → ?x?

• Fish Ball Noodles

Bahan → ?x?
Effect → Increase HP Cap
Stats Effect → ?x?